How to start a photographyblog

Find your perfect photography niche

If you run a quick Google search on how to start a blog, “find your perfect niche” is the first thing recommendation that is given. Well, this is in tone with this brand new head shot website. 

For the last 4 years, I had quite the adventurous career with my first website It was a place to hold ALL of my work, all my memories and a photo journal of some sort. It was good. But as time revealed, not the best strategy to reach clients. 

I had too many conflicting images, I was talking to too many crowds and not providing a clear message about my services. This translated into not providing the best client experience.

That was then this is now. This blog will be entirely dedicated to my headshot and portrait work. Simpler to navigate. Simpler to book. Simpler to communicate.

How much will this new blog cost?


All kidding aside, this blog will be meant for clients only. I will continue writing for photographers and publications. I never thought that writing would be part of my career but it has definitely been a great experience for me. Both as a growing photographer and as an educator. The pen sharpens the mind.

What can you expect from this Blog? 

I will be sharing all I know on practical advice on things like career, branding and being a better visual communicator. This will include guest experts and a lot of great content. In a world where we have restrictions on how we can meet, being better at sharing stories online will benefit your clients, colleagues, business partners and….most important you!

So on that, stay tuned and stay social! You can find me on Instagram where I share many of my daily activities.

Talk soon and stay safe,


Montreal head shot and portrait photographer

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